Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blog #5

Peg Tyre in the article “Bringing up Adultolescents”, is making a claim about twenty something year old children still living with their families. Tyre is focusing on the fact that adults are relying on their parents for everything from, living at home, paying their rent and choosing their careers. These “adultolescents” are comfortable with being dependent on their parents and putting their independent nature on hold just to get a few extra years from the parentals. It is not just the children to blame; the parents are so involved in their children’s lives they are letting the dependency continue. In fact, they enable their children consciously. Some break their banks to support their children to attend grad school so they have the upper hand when entering the real world. They want their children to have everything they did not have and more. This is creating a generation dependent on what their parents can do for them, not what they can accomplish on their own. Tyre states, “Relying on your folks to light the shadowy path to the future has become so accepted that even the ultimate loser move-returning home to live with your parents- has lost its stigma”. People are integrating living with their parents after college as part of the grand plan. Instead of moving on after college to bigger and better things people fall pathetically back on their parents.

Tyre, Peg. "Bringing Up Adultolescents." Essentials of Argument 133-136.

1 comment:

Paul Muhlhauser said...

I am curious about how you think Tyre feels about this issue. Is she neutral or does she lean one way?